Hey there, I'm Alex,

a full stack web developer.

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About Me

I'm a self taught full-stack developer from the UK.

I find great enjoyment in materialising ideas into a tangible, useful product. For this reason, web development immediately drew me in. Being able to create something valuable from oftentimes nothing more than an idea and the technologies created by those before me is an amazing thing.

Outside of development, the main thing I enjoy is music. I've been playing piano for 10 years now, and it's a vital part of my life. It provides me value in a similar sense to web development in the fact that I can construct an original song from just me and the instrument.


Readvocab app screenshot

Readvocab App

A fullstack, cross platform app (web and android) that allows a user to upload a pdf, and returns some of the rarest words in the english language that are in it. The frontend is built with React native (using expo) and TypeScript. The backend is a REST API built with Fastify, TypeScript, and mongodb.

Blog app screenshot

Blog App

A fullstack app that consists of two frontends, one for reading blogs + commenting, and one for creating, updating and deleting blogs. Both are built with React, TypeScript and Bulma. The backend is a REST API built with ExpressJS, TypeScript, and MongoDB.

Dash app screenshot

Dash Chatroom App

A realtime chatroom app developed using React, TypeScript, Firebase and Styled-components. Uses authentication via firebase auth, protected routes using said authentication, and reads/writes data using firestore.

Battleship site screenshot


An online replica of the game battleship, using vanilla JavaScript and TDD(Test Driven Development) with jest. Has a basic AI opponent that will place it's own ships and play.


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